Navigating the Markets with Precision: Unlocking the Power of Orbisa’s Short Interest Data


In the world of trading and investing, the line between success and failure can often be razor-thin. It’s not just a matter of experience, but also the ability to harness and interpret data effectively. The financial markets are a complex ecosystem, where discerning meaningful signals from the cacophony of market noise is a constant challenge. This is where Orbisa steps in, offering a powerful tool that distills data, providing clarity amidst chaos.

Navigating the Markets with Precision: Unlocking the Power of Orbisa's Short Interest Data


As of Q4 2021, Orbisa has aggregated a staggering $28 trillion in lendable assets, with $2.2 trillion in assets on loan from over 186,000 unique securities across 50+ global markets. But what sets Orbisa apart is not just the volume of data it handles, but the precision with which it does so.

Orbisa derives its source data from DataLend’s anonymized securities lending data, offering a wealth of information. It provides 37 customized data points that focus on the short side of the market. This means it can offer a deep understanding of trade flows between underlying long holders of securities and the broker community, while also providing insights into intradealer market flows.


Orbisa’s true strength lies in its ability to identify and highlight the most relevant market signals. It provides a clear view of stock lending activity, making it an invaluable resource for buy-side users and their funds. Market movements can be proactively monitored, and trends in asset flows can be analyzed, enabling portfolio managers to make more informed decisions.

For example, in Q4 2020, during the GameStop short squeeze, Orbisa’s data would have been a game-changer. It would have shown users clear indications of excessive market movement with a high Short Interest Indicator rating. This would have alerted traders to the anomaly, allowing them to make informed decisions. GME subsequently featured prominently in the Top Movers dashboard with utilization reaching a staggering 97.25% in January 2021.


Orbisa’s laser-focused, curated data is like a magnifying glass for the lending market. It allows buy-side market participants to inform their broader trading strategies with a level of precision that was previously unimaginable. Understanding the supply and demand dynamics at the beneficial owner inventory level, as well as utilization and short interest data, empowers traders and investors with a significant edge.

Orbisa’s data is not just about information; it’s about actionable insights. It enables investors to anticipate market movements, helping them position portfolios effectively across both fundamental and systemic trading frameworks.


In the ever-evolving world of finance, the ability to extract meaningful insights from vast amounts of data is the key to success. Orbisa’s commitment to providing clarity in the chaotic world of finance is commendable. By offering a wealth of data and a razor-sharp focus on the most critical market signals, Orbisa is a tool that can separate the signal from the noise, helping investors and traders make more informed decisions.

If you’re looking to gain a competitive advantage in the market, Orbisa’s showcase dataset is a must-see. It’s a window into the future of trading, where data-driven decisions are the difference between profit and loss. Visit Orbisa’s Market Spotlight page and join the esteemed client list already benefiting from this invaluable resource. Don’t let the noise of the market drown out your opportunities – choose clarity, choose Orbisa.,This article is an original creation by If you wish to repost or share, please include an attribution to the source and provide a link to the original article.Post Link:

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