Navigating the Storm: Long-Term Bonds Face a 46% Plunge Since May 2020


The bond market is in turmoil, and the reverberations are being felt across the financial sector. Long-term bonds, particularly those with maturities of 10 years or more, have experienced a significant decline in value, reminiscent of historical market crashes. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind this dramatic fall in bond prices, its impact on banks and hedge funds, and what investors can expect in the coming months.

Navigating the Storm: Long-Term Bonds Face a 46% Plunge Since May 2020

Long-Maturity Bonds: A Dismal Performance

The bond market has witnessed a tumultuous period since May 2020, with losses in long-maturity bonds nearing historic levels. The 10-year bond, in particular, has plummeted by a staggering 46% since its peak in March 2020, a decline comparable to the bursting of the dot-com bubble in 2000. This sharp drop in bond prices has raised concerns among market participants and investors alike.

Banks and Hedge Funds in Distress

The repercussions of this bond market rout are not limited to investors; they are reverberating throughout the financial industry. Bonds set to mature in 10 years or more have experienced a severe 46% decline, while 30-year bonds have seen an even more substantial plunge of up to 53%. To put this into perspective, during the 2007-2009 financial crisis, equities dropped by 57%. These statistics underscore the magnitude of the current bond market turmoil.

The Impact on Global Markets

One crucial aspect to consider is the cascading effect of the slump in Treasury bonds with longer maturity dates on global markets. As bond prices fall, yields rise, which can serve as a benchmark for other interest rates. This, in turn, leads to higher borrowing costs in the broader economy. Banking institutions, in particular, rely on low-cost borrowing to fund their operations. As borrowing costs mount, banks and financial institutions may face reduced profitability and potential margin calls.

The Role of the Federal Reserve

The current losses in long-maturity bonds have surpassed previous records, including the historic 1981 slump when 10-year yields reached nearly 16%. They also exceed the average decline of 39% seen in seven US equity bear markets since 1970. This includes the 25% drop in the S&P 500 when the Federal Reserve began raising interest rates from near-zero levels.

A significant turning point was the Federal Reserve’s hawkish stance in 2022. For years, investors favored longer-dated bonds as central banks globally slashed interest rates. However, escalating inflation pressures and the subsequent shift towards hawkish monetary policies changed the market dynamics abruptly.

Looking Forward

The question on many investors’ minds is whether there is a bottom in sight for long-maturity bonds. Hedge fund manager Harris Kupperman suggests that as long as 10-year Treasury bonds remain inverted relative to short-term bonds, there may be no bottom in sight. He even suggests that yields could rise as high as 6% or more. The current yield on the 10-year Treasury stands at 4.7%, the highest level since 2007.


The bond market’s recent turbulence, especially in long-maturity bonds, has created significant challenges for investors, banks, and hedge funds. As the Federal Reserve takes a hawkish stance and inflation concerns persist, the future remains uncertain. Investors should exercise caution and consider diversifying their portfolios to mitigate risks. In these uncertain times, staying informed and seeking professional financial advice is crucial for making sound investment decisions.,This article is an original creation by If you wish to repost or share, please include an attribution to the source and provide a link to the original article.Post Link:

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