Futures Market

  • Drought and Inflation: A Looming Threat to Global Food Security

    Just as the world was starting to breathe a sigh of relief after the tumultuous impact of the pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on food prices, a new threat looms on the horizon. A drought spanning across America’s breadbasket threatens to exacerbate food inflation, further straining consumers’ wallets. The dry spell has affected the wheat fields of the Great Plains and the Corn Belt in the Upper Midwest, leaving some areas with mere fractions of their regular rainfall as we approach crucial growing periods for corn and soybeans. This…

    July 1, 2023
  • Introduction to Futures Trading and Futures Market Operations

    What is Futures Market? The futures market is a financial market where participants can trade futures contracts, which are agreements to buy or sell assets at a predetermined price and date in the future. The underlying assets can be commodities, currencies, indices, or even financial instruments like bonds and stocks. The futures market enables participants to hedge against price fluctuations, speculate on future price movements, or lock in prices for future delivery. What is Futures Trading? Futures trading is the act of buying or selling futures contracts in the futures…

    March 6, 2023