Unveiling Wall Street’s Secret: Why Your Stockbroker Is Steering You Away from Gold and Silver

Gold. It’s a word that sends a shiver down the spine of the Wall Street establishment. For decades, the financial system has been rigged against gold and silver, but why? In this in-depth exploration, we’ll unravel the disturbing truths that lead to Wall Street’s disdain for precious metals, exposing the tactics they employ to keep you away from gold and silver.

Unveiling Wall Street's Secret: Why Your Stockbroker Is Steering You Away from Gold and Silver

1. The Historical Perspective

Gold has always been a symbol of wealth, value, and security. However, its relationship with the U.S. government and Wall Street has been turbulent. Since FDR severed the link between Americans and their gold, the government has relentlessly campaigned to diminish the value of gold, making it an outcast among investment options. The lack of public popularity has only empowered Wall Street to keep gold all to itself.

2. Wall Street’s Strategy

Wall Street is fully aware that gold is money, yet it prefers to shroud this fact in secrecy. An individual investor’s desire to explore gold investments is met with either disdain or ignorance. Wall Street would rather have you think about stocks, bonds, and mutual funds – anything but gold.

3. Stockbroker Training: The Lack of Precious Metals Education

The path to becoming a stockbroker requires hard work, dedication, and the successful completion of the rigorous Series 7 exam. The extensive study materials, however, entirely exclude precious metals. Ethics training and diversification lessons are aplenty, but not a single mention of investing in physical gold or any precious metals.

Compliance officers oversee all aspects of broker communication, and even a mere comment on this subject would be under strict scrutiny. The fact remains: brokers are systematically steered away from precious metals by their employers.

4. The Main Street Reality

Your local stockbroker, as the representative of Wall Street’s mindset, is likely to hold the same aversion to gold. Whether it is due to conscious bias or institutional incentives, they will avoid promoting physical gold as a part of your portfolio. Many brokers we spoke to even insisted on anonymity, fearing retaliation for discussing this topic.

5. Wall Street’s Mantra Against Gold

Mainstream brokers tend to dismiss gold as an investment, often portraying it as murky or risky. This sentiment is further propagated by Wall Street’s advertising empire, who actively scorn gold owners. The rare exceptions are large players who publicly endorse gold, but even they often keep their true beliefs secret.

6. Physical Gold vs. Paper Gold

Though brokers can recommend paper gold like mining shares or mutual funds, they’re forbidden from selling physical gold. When clients insist on buying gold bars or silver bullion, brokers have been known to introduce them to a bullion dealer, keeping a safe distance from the transaction themselves.

7. Investor Confidence and Self-reliance

Many stock investors place their faith in brokers, believing that they have their best interests at heart. Gold and silver investors, on the other hand, tend to rely on self-confidence. They recognize the inherent value in precious metals, despite the lack of endorsement from the financial establishment.

8. Wall Street’s Ultimate Fear: Losing Control

The crux of Wall Street’s fear lies in gold’s independence. Precious metals, once owned, need no ongoing commissions and offer no leverage to Wall Street. The mere suggestion of a 5% allocation of investment dollars into physical gold and silver would send shock waves through the markets. By discrediting gold and mocking its advocates, Wall Street hypocritically contradicts its own advice on diversification.

Conclusion: The Inconvenient Truth

The orchestrated avoidance of gold by Wall Street is a story replete with deceit and double standards. By following the mainstream investment narrative, you may be missing out on the stability and value that precious metals can bring to your portfolio.

This expose serves as a wake-up call. The next time your broker dismisses gold or silver, ask yourself whether you’re being offered a full picture or just the view that Wall Street wants you to see.

The decision is ultimately yours. Will you abide by the conventional wisdom dictated by those with vested interests, or will you explore the self-reliant path of precious metal investment? In a world of uncertainty, the timeless value of gold and silver may be exactly what you need.

Author:Com21.com,This article is an original creation by Com21.com. If you wish to repost or share, please include an attribution to the source and provide a link to the original article.Post Link:https://www.com21.com/unveiling-wall-streets-secret-why-your-stockbroker-is-steering-you-away-from-gold-and-silver.html

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