Gold Market is Ready to Embark on a Significant Uptrend

The SPDR Gold Trust (NYSEARCA:GLD) is an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), whose purpose is to track the spot gold price (XAUUSD:CUR). Available on the stock market, each share of GLD encapsulates a fraction of an ounce of gold. Physical gold backs the trust, and investors buy and sell GLD shares just like any other stock.

The main purpose of this article is to explore potential triggers for major rises in the gold market, based on fundamental and technical analysis. We will take into consideration economic instability in the USA, currency value fluctuations and other technology-based influences affecting gold prices. The unfortunate reality is that Covid-19 has had a detrimental effect on America’s economy – with its effects expected to be felt for some time yet. On the plus side, rising interest rates and inflation have shaped a more conducive atmosphere for gold investments. Lastly, a cup-and-handle formation on the quarterly chart gives us hope that when it breaks past $2,075 levels, we can anticipate a rally that may take gold prices above $8,000 in coming years.


Gold is considered one of the most valuable commodities in the world and it is no wonder why this precious metal has been coveted by investors and traders alike. With its ability to increase in value over time, gold is seen as a safe-haven investment that’s relatively immune to market volatility and economic downturns. Now, with gold prices on the rise, many are speculating if this rally will be sustained or merely a temporary boost. In this blog post, we will explore how the gold market is positioned to embark on a significant uptrend moving forward. We will analyze various factors such as investor sentiment, geopolitical events, inflation expectations and more that could help fuel this surge in gold demand.

The History of Gold

Gold is one of the oldest forms of currency and has been used as a store of value for centuries. The first gold coins were minted in Lydia in 6th century BC, and gold has been used as a form of currency ever since. Gold standards were used throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries, but the gold standard was abandoned during the First World War.

Gold continued to be used as a reserve asset by central banks after the Second World War, but it was not until 1971 that the US dollar was decoupled from gold. The following decade saw a gradual increase in the price of gold, culminating in its peak price in 1980. Gold prices fell sharply in the early 1980s, but recovered in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

The global financial crisis of 2007-2008 led to renewed interest in gold as a safe haven asset, and its price reached new highs in 2011. Since then, gold prices have remained volatile but overall have trended downwards. Nevertheless, many analysts believe that now is an excellent time to invest in gold, due to increasing geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainty.

Why is Gold Valuable?

Gold is valuable because it is rare, durable, and has a lowcorrosiveness. Gold is rare because it is a precious metal that is not found in large quantities on Earth. Gold is durable, meaning it does not corrode and is not affected by most chemicals. Gold is also non-reactive, meaning it does not tarnish over time. Lastly, gold has a lowcorrosiveness, meaning it does not rust or corrode when exposed to air or water.

Economic Uncertainty

Gold is often considered a safe haven asset during times of economic uncertainty. The yellow metal tends to outperform other assets, such as stocks and bonds, when there is increased market volatility and uncertainty.

There are a number of factors that have led to increased economic uncertainty in recent months. The ongoing trade war between the United States and China has led to concerns about the global economy. In addition, Brexit negotiations have been ongoing with no clear resolution in sight. These factors have led to increased demand for gold as investors seek safe haven assets.

The gold market has already begun to respond to these factors, with prices rising significantly in recent months. We believe that this trend is likely to continue in the coming months as economic uncertainty increases.

Gold Market is Ready to Embark on a Significant Uptrend

Impact of Currency Value on Gold Market

The gold market is poised for a significant uptrend in the coming months as the US dollar continues to lose value. This impact of currency value on gold market is evident from the recent price action in the gold futures market. Gold prices have been steadily rising since early July, and this trend is expected to continue as the dollar continues to weaken.

The main reason for this expected uptrend in gold prices is the continued decline in the value of the US dollar. The dollar has been on a downtrend against most major currencies since early 2017, and this trend is expected to continue in the near future. As the dollar weakens, demand for gold increases, driving prices higher.

Another factor that is expected to support higher gold prices is increasing geopolitical tensions around the world. With North Korea threatening to launch missiles towards Guam and ongoing conflicts in Syria and Iraq, there is a growing risk of global conflict. This increased risk tends to drive up demand for safe-haven assets like gold, providing another tailwind for prices.

Finally, interest rates are expected to remain low in the coming months, which should also support higher gold prices. Low interest rates reduce the opportunity cost of holding non-yielding assets like gold, making it more attractive to investors. All of these factors together are likely to lead to a significant increase in gold prices in the coming months.

Gold Market is Ready to Embark on a Significant Uptrend

How to Invest in Gold

Gold prices have been on a tear lately, and there are plenty of reasons to believe that the gold market is ready to embark on a significant uptrend. Here’s how you can take advantage of this situation and invest in gold.

First, let’s take a look at why gold prices are rising. One of the main reasons is because central banks around the world are printing money at unprecedented levels. This has led to concerns about inflation, and investors are turning to gold as a way to protect their purchasing power.

Another reason for rising gold prices is safe haven demand. With geopolitical tensions running high, investors are looking for assets that will hold their value if there’s a market crash or economic downturn. Again, gold fits the bill here.

So, how can you invest in gold? There are several ways to do it:

-You can buy physical gold bullion (coins or bars). This is the most direct way to invest in gold, but it comes with some logistical challenges (storing and insuring your holdings).

-You can buy shares of gold mining companies. This gives you exposure to the price of gold without having to deal with storage or insurance issues. However,mining stocks tend to be volatile, so this may not be the best option for risk-averse investors.

-You can invest in exchange-traded funds that track the price of gold. These provide convenient and low-cost access to the gold market, but you don’t actually own any physical gold.

-You can buy gold futures contracts. This is a more advanced strategy, as it involves taking on leverage and dealing with additional risks such as margin calls.

Whichever way you choose to invest in gold, make sure to do your research and understand the risks involved before committing any money.

The Future of Gold

Gold has long been considered a safe haven asset, and its role as such is likely to continue in the years ahead. Gold prices have already begun to rise in response to geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainty. As these trends continue, gold is likely to remain an attractive investment option for many.

While the future of gold is impossible to predict with 100% accuracy, there are a number of factors that suggest that prices will continue to rise in the years ahead. Geopolitical tensions are unlikely to abate anytime soon, and the global economy remains vulnerable to shocks. Inflationary pressures could also increase as central banks around the world print more money in an effort to stimulate growth.

Investors who are looking for a safe haven asset would do well to consider investing in gold. While there is no guarantee that prices will continue to rise, the long-term prospects for the metal look good.

Gold Market is Ready to Embark on a Significant Uptrend


The gold market is ready to embark on a significant uptrend, with the possibility of prices climbing higher over the short and long term. Investors are looking towards it as an investment opportunity that can provide stability in turbulent times. With its many advantages such as hedge protection against inflation and governments’ currency regulations, investing in gold appears to be a safe bet for those wanting to diversify their portfolios. Therefore, if you’re considering investing in gold, now may be the right time to do so.,This article is an original creation by If you wish to repost or share, please include an attribution to the source and provide a link to the original article.Post Link:

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  • Money's avatar January 31, 2023 1:36 pm

    Yes, it is a good time to invest in gold and silver in 2023. Given the current market conditions, both gold and silver prices are expected to rise in 2023 due to the weakening of the U.S. dollar. With gold’s performance being closely tied to the U.S. dollar, any declines in the value of the dollar tend to translate into higher gold prices. This trend has been seen in the past and is expected to continue in 2023.

    In addition, the uncertainty caused by the pandemic has increased investor demand for gold and silver as a safe-haven asset. As investors become more and more risk-averse, they tend to gravitate towards gold and silver as reliable stores of value. This heightened demand is expected to keep pushing up prices for gold and silver throughout 2023.

    However, it is important to note that investing in gold or silver carries its own unique risks. The price of these precious metals can fluctuate significantly due to changes in market conditions, geopolitical factors, and other factors. Therefore, it is important to approach investing in gold and silver with caution and to carefully consider your own financial goals before investing. Additionally, investors should diversify their portfolios among different asset classes in order to reduce overall risk.

    Overall, gold and silver are attractive investments for 2023 given the current market conditions. Investors should be aware of the potential risks associated with investing in these precious metals and should consult a financial advisor before making any decisions.

  • Money's avatar February 1, 2023 11:23 am

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