Navigating the Bittersweet Landscape: Cocoa Supply Outlook Remains Tight Amid Volatility, Weather Changes, and Global Deficits

Cocoa, an indispensable commodity and the vital ingredient behind our favorite chocolate products, has been experiencing an unprecedented whirlwind in the markets. The week began with a rally of $120 early Monday, reaching a 12 1/2 year high, only to be followed by a sharp $280 drop through mid-session Tuesday, leading to its four-week low early Friday.

Navigating the Bittersweet Landscape: Cocoa Supply Outlook Remains Tight Amid Volatility, Weather Changes, and Global Deficits

This article aims to provide a comprehensive outlook on cocoa’s supply landscape, which appears to be tightening in the wake of multiple influences, both macro and micro. Let’s explore the contributing factors in detail.

1. Recent Market Volatility: A Reflection of Global Risk Sentiment

The roller-coaster ride in cocoa prices has been a clear reflection of the negative shift in global risk sentiment. Key reversal tops on the weekly and nearby charts may hint at more profit-taking and long liquidation on the horizon. This turbulence can be linked to various global economic factors, but we must not overlook the resilience in chocolate demand.

2. Chocolate Demand Holds Strong

Major chocolate manufacturers have projected sales growth in their recent quarterly earnings guidance. Despite the underlying uncertainty, the persistent demand for chocolate products is expected to support the market in the medium to long term.

3. West African Weather: A Double-Edged Sword

West Africa’s weather has been playing a pivotal role in cocoa production. While heavy rainfall in June and July initially caused delays in the mid-crop harvest, the drier conditions in the past week have provided an opportunity for recovery. Additionally, the heavy rainfall is believed to have fostered a strong start for the upcoming main crop.

4. El Niño’s Looming Threat

The onset of El Niño is a significant concern, with the US Climate Prediction Center giving it a 90% chance of lasting at least through the end of April. Known for causing drier-than-normal conditions in West Africa and Southeast Asia, El Niño threatens to upset the delicate balance of cocoa’s supply.

5. Persistent Global Supply Deficit

The ICCO (International Cocoa Organization) has forecasted a second straight global supply deficit for 2022/23, and El Niño adds to the possibility of a third one in 2023/24. The reduced usage of fertilizer and pesticides has negatively affected this season’s output. Additionally, heavy rainfall earlier in the summer has resulted in the spread of diseases like black pod and swollen shoot, further challenging production.

Navigating the Bittersweet Landscape: Cocoa Supply Outlook Remains Tight Amid Volatility, Weather Changes, and Global Deficits
December cocoa has slowed its descent and has found support at the 50-day moving average. The RSI has fallen to 33.7 from 76.4 in late July, indicating that the overbought condition has been alleviated. A pullback to the late June and mid-July lows may provide an opportunity to approach the long side of the market.


The cocoa supply outlook remains delicately poised. While positive signs emerge from the resilience in chocolate demand and improved mid-crop harvest, challenges such as the potential impact of El Niño, the persistent global supply deficit, and ongoing crop diseases create a complex and uncertain scenario.

Investors, traders, and stakeholders must keep a vigilant eye on the unfolding weather patterns, global economic indicators, and shifts in consumer demand. Strategic decision-making, supported by real-time analysis, will be crucial in navigating this intricate landscape.

For the average chocolate lover, these market dynamics may not lead to immediate changes at the candy counter, but the underlying complexities remind us that the sweet treat we enjoy is a product of a global supply chain facing a mix of challenges and opportunities. The market dynamics of cocoa, though sometimes bitter, contribute to the rich flavor of the world’s economy.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Always consult with a financial advisor or investment professional before making any investment decisions.,This article is an original creation by If you wish to repost or share, please include an attribution to the source and provide a link to the original article.Post Link:

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