Ninja Selling: The Subtle Art of Building Relationships for Big Results

Ninja Selling: The Subtle Art of Building Relationships for Big Results

“Ninja Selling: Subtle Skills. Big Results.” (buy from amazon) by Larry Kendall is an excellent book that offers a fresh and unique perspective on the art of selling. The book presents a new approach to sales, one that is based on building relationships and focusing on the needs of the customer. In this review, we will discuss the key insights and takeaways from this book.

The first key insight from the book is the importance of focusing on the customer’s needs. The author emphasizes the need to understand the customer’s perspective and to tailor your approach accordingly. This means taking the time to listen to the customer’s needs and concerns and then crafting your pitch to address those specific concerns. This approach not only builds trust but also helps to create a long-lasting relationship with the customer.

The second key insight from the book is the importance of building trust. The author emphasizes the need to be transparent and honest with customers. He suggests that the best way to build trust is to be authentic, to show genuine interest in the customer, and to follow through on promises. By building trust, you create a loyal customer base that will be more likely to refer you to others.

The third key insight from the book is the importance of creating a sense of urgency. The author suggests that creating a sense of urgency is a powerful motivator that can help customers make decisions more quickly. He suggests using techniques such as limited-time offers and deadlines to create a sense of urgency.

The fourth key insight from the book is the importance of being proactive. The author emphasizes the need to take control of the sales process and to be proactive in seeking out new leads and opportunities. He suggests that a proactive approach can help to build a pipeline of new business and keep you ahead of the competition.

The fifth key insight from the book is the importance of follow-up. The author emphasizes the need to stay in touch with customers after the sale is complete. He suggests using techniques such as personal notes and phone calls to maintain a relationship with the customer and to generate repeat business.

The sixth key insight from the book is the importance of mindset. The author emphasizes the need to have a positive and proactive mindset when it comes to sales. He suggests that a positive mindset can help to overcome challenges and obstacles and to achieve greater success in sales.

The seventh key insight from the book is the importance of continuous learning. The author emphasizes the need to constantly improve your skills and knowledge in order to stay ahead of the competition. He suggests reading books, attending seminars, and seeking out mentors to help you improve your skills.

Overall, “Ninja Selling: Subtle Skills. Big Results.” by Larry Kendall is an excellent book that offers valuable insights and practical tips for anyone who wants to improve their sales skills. The book presents a unique approach to sales that is based on building relationships and focusing on the needs of the customer. We highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to take their sales skills to the next level.,This article is an original creation by If you wish to repost or share, please include an attribution to the source and provide a link to the original article.Post Link:

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