
  • Building a Financial Bridge to Your Dreams: The Power of Bond and CD Ladders

    Imagine having a reliable source of income besides what you earn from your job. Perhaps you’d consider making changes to your life and career: exploring a new direction, rediscovering a postponed passion project, starting your own business, or transitioning into a retirement you once thought impossible. The good news is that there is a strategy to generate reliable additional income with little risk. How? By building a ladder of bonds or certificates of deposit (CDs) that can provide you with supplemental income, serving as a bridge to the next chapter…

    May 23, 2024
  • Unlocking Financial Potential: 4 Ways Employer Benefits Can Supercharge Your Savings

    When it comes to managing your finances, don’t overlook the valuable resources your employer offers through benefits packages. From healthcare to retirement plans, these benefits can play a significant role in your financial well-being. Here, we’ll explore four ways employer benefits can help you save money and secure your financial future. 1. Evaluate Your Health Care Needs Healthcare costs can be a significant financial burden, but your employer’s benefits package can help you mitigate these expenses. Start by evaluating your healthcare needs and consider whether your current health plan still…

    September 28, 2023
  • Households Burn Through Savings Left Over During Pandemic

    The pandemic-era cushion of savings that many households built up is rapidly diminishing. According to an estimate from Goldman Sachs, Americans have already spent down about 35% of their extra savings accumulated during the pandemic as of mid-January. By the end of the year, the company predicts that roughly 65% of that money will be exhausted. In 2020 and early 2021, government pandemic stimulus and reduced spending on non-essential items such as dining out and travel, led to an accumulation of extra savings by households. According to Moody’s Analytics, households…

    February 6, 2023