Unconventional Wisdom: A Review of Robert T. Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad Poor Dad”

Unconventional Wisdom: A Review of Robert T. Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

The book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” has been widely popular since it’s first publication, and it’s still a great read for anyone looking to gain a better understanding of personal finance and investing. It provides a wealth of practical information and strategies, and is written in an easy-to-understand style. If you’re looking to change your perspective on money, wealth and investing, this book is a must-read.


In Robert T. Kiyosaki’s ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!’ (buy from Amazon), the author tells the story of his two fathers – his biological father, who he calls his ‘poor dad’, and his friend’s father, who he refers to as his ‘rich dad’.

Kiyosaki grew up in Hawaii, the son of a teacher and a fisherman. His poor dad was highly educated but never made much money. On the other hand, Kiyosaki’s rich dad was a high school dropout who became one of the richest men in Hawaii.

Kiyosaki argues that the main difference between his two fathers was their attitude towards money. His poor dad saw money as something to be avoided, while his rich dad saw it as an opportunity to be seized.

Kiyosaki goes on to offer some unconventional wisdom about money and success. He argues that the traditional advice to get a good education and work hard is not enough to become wealthy. Instead, he says that people need to think differently about money if they want to become rich.

Kiyosaki offers some controversial advice about investing, taxes, and debt. He also provides some tips for building wealth. Overall, ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ is an interesting read that will challenge your assumptions about money and success.

Overview of Rich Dad Poor Dad

In his 1997 book, ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad,’ Robert T. Kiyosaki prescribes what he believes is the formula for financial success. The book is based on Kiyosaki’s own life story, in which he learns from two very different father figures. His ‘rich dad’ is his friend’s father, a successful businessman who taught Kiyosaki the value of investing and taking risks. His ‘poor dad’ is his own father, a well-educated man who worked hard but never achieved financial security.

Kiyosaki argues that the key to wealth is not necessarily hard work or education, but rather investment and risk-taking. He advocates for starting one’s own business, building a diversified portfolio of investments, and always being prepared for economic downturns. While some of his advice is controversial, ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ has remained a bestseller for over two decades.

Key Themes and Concepts Discussed in the Book

In his book, Kiyosaki discusses a number of key themes and concepts that are relevant to anyone looking to improve their financial situation. Among these are the importance of acquiring assets, the power of leverage, and the need to think differently about money.

Kiyosaki makes a compelling case for why assets are more important than simply earning a high income. He argues that most people will never become wealthy simply by working for someone else and earning a paycheck. Instead, they need to focus on building up their own assets, which will provide them with the financial security and independence they desire.

Leverage is another key concept discussed in the book. Kiyosaki explains how leverage can be used to one’s advantage in order to increase one’s income and wealth. For example, he discusses how investing in real estate can provide individuals with a significant return on investment, due to the power of leverage.

Lastly, Kiyosaki challenges readers to rethink their relationship with money. He argues that most people have been programmed to believe that money is evil or bad, when in reality it is neutral. Money itself is not good or bad, but it is how we use it that determines whether it will help or harm us financially.

Pros and Cons of Kiyosaki’s Ideas

There is no doubt that Robert Kiyosaki’s book, ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’, has stirred up a lot of controversy since it was first published in 1997. On the one hand, there are those who feel that Kiyosaki’s ideas are nothing new and that he is simply repackaging age-old wisdom in a new and flashy way. On the other hand, there are those who feel that Kiyosaki’s ideas are truly groundbreaking and that he is offering a new perspective on how to build wealth. So, what are the pros and cons of Kiyosaki’s ideas?

Let’s start with the pros.

First of all, Kiyosaki is very clear about what he feels the key to building wealth is: investing in assets, not liabilities. This is a very important distinction to make, and one that is often overlooked by many people. Secondly, Kiyosaki advocates for taking risks and being entrepreneurial in order to build wealth. This is also an important point that is often lost on people who think they need to play it safe in order to achieve financial security. Finally, Kiyosaki provides concrete examples and stories to illustrate his points, which makes his ideas much easier to understand and apply to real life.

Now let’s look at the cons. First of all, some people feel that Kiyosaki over-simplifies the process of building wealth. While it is true that his ideas can be boiled.

How to Apply Some of the Concepts Discussed in the Book

In ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad,’ Robert T. Kiyosaki discusses a number of concepts that can be applied in order to improve one’s financial situation. Here are some of the key concepts discussed in the book and how they can be applied:

1. The Power of Leverage: In the book, Kiyosaki discusses how leverage can be used to one’s advantage in order to increase wealth. Leverage can be defined as using debt to finance investments. Essentially, this means that you can use other people’s money to make money for yourself. This concept can be applied by taking out loans to invest in income-producing assets such as rental properties or businesses.

2. The Importance of Financial Education: One of the main themes of ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ is the importance of financial education. Kiyosaki argues that most people are not taught about money and how it works, which leads them to make poor financial decisions. This concept can be applied by making an effort to learn about personal finance and investing. There are a number of resources available on these topics, so there is no excuse not to educate oneself on these important subjects.

3. The Rule of 72: This is a simple mathematical rule that states that the amount of time it takes for an investment to double is equal to 72 divided by the rate of return on the investment.


Robert Kiyosaki’s ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ is truly a book of unconventional wisdom. It offers an insightful look into the world of personal finance and how one can be successful despite their upbringing. The invaluable lessons imparted by this book are sure to stay with readers for years to come and it is highly recommended for anyone looking to gain more financial literacy. With its sound advice, ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ is a must-read for those wanting to learn how to become financially independent in today’s economic climate.

Get the book from Amazon!

Author:Com21.com,This article is an original creation by Com21.com. If you wish to repost or share, please include an attribution to the source and provide a link to the original article.Post Link:https://www.com21.com/unconventional-wisdom-a-review-of-robert-t-kiyosakis-rich-dad-poor-dad.html

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