More Upside Potential for Cocoa: El Nino’s Impact on Global Production


In the world of commodity investing, few stories are as compelling as the one currently unfolding in the cocoa market. Cocoa, the key ingredient in our beloved chocolate, has been facing a series of challenges, and the latest twist in the tale comes in the form of El Nino. In this blog post, we’ll explore why cocoa may have more upside potential ahead, driven by the looming El Nino event and its potential impact on global production.

More Upside Potential for Cocoa: El Nino's Impact on Global Production

El Nino’s Return:

El Nino, a climate phenomenon known for its disruptive effects on weather patterns across the globe, is making a comeback. The Oceanic Nino Index (ONI) registered a significant +1.1 during the June-August period, the highest reading since February-April 2016. Even more notably, the index is projected to climb even higher in the coming months. The US Climate Prediction Center gives El Nino a 95% chance of persisting through March, with a 77% likelihood of it continuing through May.

Cocoa’s Vulnerability:

While El Nino’s impact can be far-reaching, few commodities are as vulnerable to its effects as cocoa. Here’s why:

  1. Global Production Deficit: The cocoa market has been grappling with a global production deficit for the second consecutive year in 2022/23. The deficit has already strained supplies and driven prices higher.
  2. West Africa Dominance: Approximately 70% of the world’s cocoa production comes from West Africa. However, during El Nino events, this region typically experiences drier-than-normal conditions. Such conditions can have a detrimental impact on cocoa yields.
  3. Pest and Disease Pressure: West Africa has recently faced outbreaks of black pod and swollen shoot diseases. These issues have been exacerbated by excessive rainfall during the summer and inadequate fertilizer and pesticide usage. El Nino’s dry conditions could exacerbate these problems.
  4. Global Producers at Risk: Beyond West Africa, other major cocoa producers are also at risk. Indonesia has already witnessed drier-than-normal conditions, while Ecuador could face heavier-than-normal rainfall, potentially sparking disease outbreaks.

The Opportunity:

Given these factors, it’s clear that El Nino has the potential to create significant disruptions in cocoa production. This presents an opportunity for investors and traders alike.

If it becomes evident that El Nino is indeed bringing drought conditions to West Africa, cocoa prices could see another substantial leg higher. However, markets rarely move in a straight line, and a pullback could provide a strategic entry point for those looking to take a long position in the cocoa market.


As investors and commodity enthusiasts, it’s crucial to keep a close eye on the evolving cocoa market. The return of El Nino, coupled with an already-existing production deficit and pest-related challenges, has set the stage for potentially higher cocoa prices. However, markets are inherently uncertain, and it’s essential to approach cocoa trading with a well-researched and diversified strategy.

In the coming months, the cocoa market could offer exciting opportunities for those who can navigate the complexities of global weather patterns and their impact on commodity supplies. Stay tuned and keep a watchful eye on cocoa as it continues to prove its resilience and potential for more upside in the face of adversity.,This article is an original creation by If you wish to repost or share, please include an attribution to the source and provide a link to the original article.Post Link:

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