Rising Prices Got You Worried? Here Are 5 Strategies to Stay Financially Strong

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The headlines might suggest that inflation is finally showing signs of easing, but for many Americans, the impact of rising prices is still keenly felt. Recent research has revealed that a significant portion of the population is living paycheck to paycheck, struggling to make ends meet. While the headline inflation number may have decreased from its high in 2022, it’s essential to recognize that the rising cost of living isn’t going away anytime soon.

In this blog post, we will explore five practical ways to cope with rising prices and navigate the current economic landscape. By focusing on what you can control – your spending, saving, income, and investing – you can better position yourself for financial stability and growth.

  1. Trim Spending

The first step in coping with rising prices is to take a close look at your spending habits. Review your financial records, especially if you use a debit or credit card, to gain insight into your spending patterns. Identify areas where you may be able to cut back and make the most of your money.

Collin Crownover, a research analyst with Fidelity, suggests that many people have unused subscriptions that can be trimmed down. For instance, you might have multiple streaming services but only use a couple. Trimming these expenses can free up money that can be put towards more critical needs.

  1. Look for Ways to Boost Your Income

In a world where the cost of living continues to rise, finding ways to increase your income can provide much-needed financial relief. Consider exploring side hustles or part-time opportunities that align with your skills and interests. These additional sources of income can help you better manage your finances and tackle rising expenses.

Rising Prices Got You Worried? Here Are 5 Strategies to Stay Financially Strong
CPI: Consumer Price Index. LEFT: Indicates the contribution to year-over-year CPI over the past 12 months. Persistent Categories include areas where, historically, inflation has taken longer to dissipate, such as housing and food & beverages. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Haver Analytics, Fidelity Investments (AART), as of 5/31/23. RIGHT: Unit Labor Costs measured as 4-quarter moving average. Diamonds depict the last chart points (as of 6/30/23). Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Haver Analytics, Bloomberg, Fidelity Investments (AART), as of 5/31/23.
  1. Build and Maintain an Emergency Fund

An essential aspect of financial stability in uncertain times is having a healthy emergency fund. If you can cut your expenses, allocate some of those savings toward building and maintaining an emergency fund. Fidelity recommends aiming to save enough to cover essential expenses for 3 to 6 months. If this seems daunting, start with a goal of saving $1,000 or one month’s worth of essential expenses, whichever is more feasible. Gradually work your way up to a more substantial emergency fund as your financial situation improves.

  1. Make the Most of Your Cash

With yields on money market funds, CDs, and bonds at higher levels than they have been in years, consider putting your excess cash to work earning income. While the returns on these investments may not be as high as riskier options, they provide stability and can help your money grow over time.

  1. Invest for Growth Potential

Investing wisely is crucial to preserving and growing your wealth, especially in times of inflation. It’s important to earn a return on your investments that at least matches or surpasses the rate of inflation to maintain your purchasing power. While conservative investments like bonds have their place in a diversified portfolio, it’s also essential to consider investments with growth potential, such as stocks, commodities, or real estate.

Collin Crownover emphasizes that for those with decades to invest, being too conservative can erode your wealth due to inflation. Real assets like equities can help your money keep up with rising prices. If you’re unsure about how to invest for your specific goals and risk tolerance, seeking guidance from financial professionals can be valuable.

Rising Prices Got You Worried? Here Are 5 Strategies to Stay Financially Strong
CPI: Consumer Price Index. Commodity prices are represented by the Bloomberg Commodity Index (BCOM), and their hypothetical changes over the next year are assumed to occur equally throughout the year. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bloomberg, Haver Analytics, Fidelity Investments (AART) as of 06/30/2023.


Inflation may be a persistent challenge in today’s economy, but by taking control of your financial choices, you can navigate these uncertain times with greater confidence. Trim unnecessary expenses, explore income-boosting opportunities, build a robust emergency fund, make the most of your cash, and invest strategically for growth potential. Remember, seeking professional advice can help you create a personalized financial plan that aligns with your goals and helps you thrive in any economic environment.

Author:Com21.com,This article is an original creation by Com21.com. If you wish to repost or share, please include an attribution to the source and provide a link to the original article.Post Link:https://www.com21.com/rising-prices-got-you-worried-here-are-5-strategies-to-stay-financially-strong.html

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