The Unintended Consequences of Bidenomics: An In-depth Analysis of the Impact on Health Insurance Options

At the core of “Bidenomics,” a term being increasingly used to describe the economic policies of the Biden administration, is a concerning trend: a movement towards forcing American consumers to purchase expensive products that they may neither need nor desire. Most recently, this tendency has manifested itself in the government’s intent to limit short-term health insurance plans, with the ultimate aim of ushering more consumers into the ObamaCare exchanges – a heavily subsidized and regulated system.

The Unintended Consequences of Bidenomics: An In-depth Analysis of the Impact on Health Insurance Options

The Health and Human Services, Labor, and Treasury Departments recently proposed regulations to retract the expansion of short-term, limited-duration insurance (STLDI) plans, a measure implemented by the Trump administration. This comes as a significant reversal, considering that since 2018, these plans have been available in 12-month increments and could be renewed for up to three years.

STLDI plans differ significantly from the typical ObamaCare plans. They don’t mandate the provision of comprehensive benefits such as pediatric services, maternity care, and mental health treatment. This makes them much cheaper alternatives to the more stringently regulated ObamaCare exchanges, which stipulate the provision of ten essential benefits and have restrictions in place on charging premiums based on age and risk.

Notably, short-term plans are particularly appealing to younger demographics, specifically those individuals whose employers do not provide insurance coverage. One could ponder over why a healthy 26-year-old would choose to pay for maternity care, pediatric services, and other services he is unlikely to require in the foreseeable future? STLDI plans offer a more practical, cost-effective alternative for such individuals. The considerable savings accrued from enrolling in short-term plans can be better spent repaying student loans or other pressing financial obligations.

President Biden has been quite vocal in his criticism of these short-term plans, referring to them as “junk insurance.” Democrats seem to follow a similar line of thinking, dismissing anything they aim to eliminate as “junk.” The primary objection to these plans stems from their potential to draw young, healthy people away from the ObamaCare exchanges. This shift in demographics creates older and sicker insurance risk pools, which inadvertently drive up premiums and subsidy costs.

The introduction of the Inflation Reduction Act added further incentive to choose ObamaCare by enhancing insurance premium tax credits, which are tied to income. Consequently, a 60-year-old whose income is just above four times the poverty level ($58,320), would be required to contribute only 8.5% of his income towards his insurance premium. The rest would be covered by the government. However, as premiums increase, the government’s financial liability also expands.

Unfortunately, once the Inflation Reduction Act’s enhanced subsidies expire in 2025, consumers may face sticker shock due to the unexpected surge in costs. This is why the Administration is determined to attract more young, healthy individuals back into the exchanges. Their strategy includes reinstating a four-month cap on short-term plans and prohibiting renewals. Consequently, the free market for insurance that competes with the ObamaCare exchanges would simply vanish.

Several states have experimented with restricting short-term plans, but a study conducted by the Galen Institute in 2021 concluded that these limitations did not result in reduced full-coverage premiums. To many young people, the costs associated with ObamaCare plans, even with subsidies, outweigh the benefits. This could potentially lead to an increase in uninsured individuals once the proposed rule takes effect.

Moreover, the Biden rule may invite legal challenge. The Cato Institute’s Michael Cannon points out that this proposal is in conflict with a 2020 ruling by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, stating that “nothing in [federal law] prevents insurers from renewing expired STLDI policies.” This could be perceived as the Administration overstepping its bounds by rewriting law through regulatory edict.

In line with his push towards limiting consumer choice in other sectors, President Biden appears intent on diminishing competition in health insurance under the pretext of consumer protection. Ironically, this results in restricting access to more affordable options that consumers want and might need. It’s essential to maintain a delicate balance between regulation and free market principles. Time will tell whether these decisions serve the American public as intended, or create a boomerang effect of unanticipated consequences.


As the ongoing debate around the Biden administration’s approach to short-term health insurance plans illustrates, public policy decisions can have far-reaching implications. What’s touted as protecting consumers can sometimes have unintended effects, particularly when it reduces choice and competition in the market.

Indeed, forcing people into heavily regulated and subsidized systems, such as ObamaCare, may lead to short-term stability. However, the question remains whether this approach is sustainable in the long run, especially when the bill comes due in 2025 after the expiration of the Inflation Reduction Act’s enhanced subsidies.

Furthermore, the potential legal ramifications of the proposed changes to STLDI plans cannot be overlooked. Any regulatory changes that conflict with existing federal law could lead to protracted legal battles, creating even more uncertainty in the health insurance market.

Ultimately, the goal should be to strike a balance between providing comprehensive health insurance coverage and ensuring affordability. While the intentions of the Biden administration may be to protect consumers, it’s crucial to maintain a robust, competitive market that caters to the diverse needs of all Americans. Whether the current approach achieves this balance, however, remains a contentious issue. As we navigate this complex terrain, the consumer’s best interests should remain the guiding principle in shaping our health insurance policies.,This article is an original creation by If you wish to repost or share, please include an attribution to the source and provide a link to the original article.Post Link:

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